Bareroot Plant Sale

As many of you know, for the past two years I have run a retail plant nursery and I can’t thank you enough for your support!

In addition to the spring sales, I will be offering bare roots for sale in the fall!

  1. Ordering online! Check back here as I update the shop portion of this website. I’ll be able to ship all over the country and if you’re local to Morgantown, WV we can still meet up to exchange plants.

  2. New and exciting plant varieties for sale! I’ll be offering lots and lots of perennials - edibles, medicinals, flowers and berry bushes. Hard to find and unique varieties will be taking center stage.

  3. Reducing my carbon footprint! The plant nursery business uses lots of plastics and fossil fuels. Offering bare root plants removes the need for plastic pots and a heated greenhouse.

Not sure what a bare root plant is? Or why you would want to buy one (or many)?

Bare root plants are grown in place in the garden during the summer and once they go dormant in the fall, the roots are dug up and shipped to you to be planted in your garden. They’ll come up in the spring, happy in their new spot. The benefits to this type of growing are many. As mentioned earlier, no plastic pots are needed. This results in healthier (no root bound) plants, reduced transplant shock and less costly shipping charges since no soil is being mailed.

You’ll receive labeled plants, packed in moist sawdust. Simply plant them as soon as they arrive and you’ll be rewarded in the spring with happy plants!

I’m so excited to continue to offer wonderful plants to you! Your support means the world!

You can click here, or on the Plants for Sale button at the top right of your screen to see a few of the plants I’ll be offering this fall. The list is not complete and they’re listed as sold out until I complete inventory.
