Welcome to Sam's Plants

Hello and welcome! I’m so happy you’re here!

I’ve been hooked on growing my own food ever since my neighbor taught me to can peaches when I was 13. My love of homesteading and gardening followed me through my teenage years and to college, where I managed to garden in rentals, always dreaming of my own, permanent space. In 2011, I finally had a place of my own and was thrilled to have a garden that I felt like I could really invest in. Despite some major shortcomings (lack of sun and full of rocks), I was thrilled! A space of my own!

Lilac bloom in early spring

Lilac bloom in early spring

I started trying to source unique, heirloom vegetable varieties and realized I couldn’t find them at any of the local nurseries and had sticker shock when it came to purchasing lots of plants online. That led me down the road of seed starting. I did that for a few years, sharing seedlings with friends and neighbors and I realized I had a knack for it.

Ladybug on wormwood

Ladybug on wormwood

seed + soil + water + sun = plants + food + medicine + joy

In 2018, I started Sam’s Plants, built a small greenhouse and started a Facebook page. I’m thrilled to be able to offer the unique and amazing plants I was always looking for and I’m so glad to have found lots of other people with the same interests! I have enjoyed meeting so many other plant enthusiasts - getting to talk with everyone about gardens and their plants has been inspiring and exciting.

Greenhouse in early spring

Greenhouse in early spring

If you want real time updates and beautiful pictures of plants, follow me on Facebook and Instagram. I do garden tours and plant updates and share tips and tricks on keeping plants happy and healthy!