Behind the Scenes at Sam's Plants


Today, I’m going to give you a little peak behind the curtain of what goes into running a plant nursery.

One reason I love this work is that it is very seasonal. Late winter and early spring will find me seeding trays. As the seedlings grow, they get transplanted into bigger pots or out into the gardens. Spring will find me tending plants in the greenhouse and getting ready for sales.

Summer time, after most sales are over, I start working in earnest on my own garden beds. Plants that I want to grow out for seed or for fall sales are planted and mulched. I harvest lots of medicinal herbs and dry them throughout the summer.


Fall finds me digging plants for bareroot sales, harvesting seed and doing the final harvests of produce. I also rake leaves and use them for garden mulch, give the compost piles a turn and start to enjoy the cooler temperatures.

Winter tasks include cleaning up the greenhouse and garden beds, ordering seeds for spring and flipping through seed catalogs looking for unique plants that peak my interest.


I love finding new to me perennial vegetables, unique flowers and researching all kinds of permaculture and nursery techniques to try out. Every year, I gain a little more knowledge in how this all works and I get to experiment and see what works for me and my greenhouse and gardens.

Every winter, I declare that this will be the year I stay organized throughout the coming seasons! And every year, I mean well and give it my best, but by June, things are chaotic and I have a hard time finding things I need. I generally pick a day for getting organized and cleaning up in July and that sets me up well for the rest of the season. Organization is an ongoing battle, especially keeping track of seed and plant inventory.

Visit my About Me page to learn more about me and my business. I also have an IG highlights from the last two years where I talk about all of the plants that I have during my spring sales.